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Where is the Center Drawing command?

Started by Visio Guy, March 03, 2010, 08:41:47 AM

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Visio Guy

Ok, I maybe I'm still jet-lagged, but I can't find the Center Drawing feature in the Visio 2010 RC. Anybody have an idea where it is?

Also, you might comment/vote on this feature. Do you use it? Will you miss it?
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The button is still available in Visio 2010, it's simply not on the ribbon by default.
So if you want to use it you'll have to add it yourself.

as to answer your question, i haven't had to use the button so far, but i can see it's use. If i were to use it frequently and it got removed i'm pretty sure i'd miss it.
the other option of centering is simply much longer: select the whole drawing, ctrl + x, zoom to 100%, paste.

hope the jetlag goes fast
and, amazing forum btw.




It must be found at any place, because Page.CenterDrawing method is still alive.  ;) ;) ;)
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda

Visio Guy

Thanks guys. I don't use the feature that often, but I am working on some Visio 2010 "What's New" tutorials for a customer, and I figured Visio end-users might like the feature. Maybe Select All + eyeball it to center is good enough for most people.
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010


consider file => options => general => center selection on zoom
and file=>options=>general=>zoom on roll with intellimouse

This allows me to select the shape and then zoom using the mouse roller. I don't miss it.
ps glad you got home ok. I had breakfast with Michele and Jimi on friday and heard you guys were out enjoying :-)


Found this button for Center Drawing in Command not in the Ribbon.
Add this button to the user defined group in the Home tab.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda



What???  No poll???  I miss those polls.  Where, say, 3 or 4 members actually respond!   :o   ;D

I use the command, not regularly, but often.  Mostly when I want to show something and add final touch so the drawing is centered.  Duh.  Yes, I'd miss it.  Nice to know it's available and configurable.

Visio 2019 Pro


This function is absolutely necessary. Every time I scale a drawing, I need to re-center the drawing.

Paul Herber

I don't understand why there are so many commands that cannot be found relatively easily. I thought one point about the ribbon was that it gave a lot more space for commands compared with the old style menus.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Quote from: Paul Herber on March 04, 2010, 02:56:28 AM
I don't understand why there are so many commands that cannot be found relatively easily. I thought one point about the ribbon was that it gave a lot more space for commands compared with the old style menus.

What I find frustrating is that I don't find anything intuitive about why certain commands fall under certain ribbons, in fact there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason or logic to it.  Some examples.  Layers is under the Home ribbon.  Why not under the view menu?  Doesn't one want to "view" layers?  The rectangle, ellipse, line, shadow and on and on are under Home.  Wouldn't those be under "Design"?  And where is "Protection"?  Under the developer tab?!  You got to be kidding me.  I don't mind that those commands are under home but it would seem to me that the logical UI should be that Home is where all the commands are that you need most frequently, but the commands there should still show up under one of the other ribbons.

I never cease to be amazed my MS and their lack of good user design.  I find this reminiscent of the 8 options under the Windows Off command in Vista.

I'm also frustrated that there are so many small improvements they could have made but didn't.  It's a small thing but 5 years in the making and they still didn't make it so that you could arrange the order of background pages?  Do any of the programmers actually use the program day to day?  I doubt it.  End of rant.

In spite of my complaints I think it's a clear improvement.  My favorite feature is the alignment feature where as you hover over the alignment button you see a preview of the result.  That is brilliant UI design, if only the entire program reflected that.

One thing I was really hoping for was a way to group pages, for instance under the drawing explorer it would be awesome if we could group pages by folder.  When a drawing has 50 pages as some of mind do, it would be nice to be able to group them by category.


Exactly!!!  Rant on!!!  I'm with you.  I'm still not sold on the ribbon concept, and I certainly don't like the way it's been implemented.  It's not logical.  It doesn't work the way Users work.  UI should not stand for User Interference.

I have to agree that it doesn't seem like the software designers actually use the program.  It's not just Visio -- same applies to the Ribbon in the MS Office products. 

Hence the real reason I'm reluctant to migrate to Visio 2010.

Visio 2019 Pro

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