
Happy New Year!


Freeform in Visio 2010

Begonnen von philippec, Dezember 30, 2009, 12:46:04 NACHMITTAGS

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Probably a stupid question :
I don't find the draw freeform tool in Visio 2010.
The help system does not give an answer.

Once you will have told me where the freeform tool is, my next question will probably be: "Where can I find the length of it".

The answer will be "Sorry, not possible, Visio is not made for that"

Then I will say :
"I will stop trying to use Visio for what it is not ment for and wil start loving Sketchup and Blender"

Paul Herber

Like you, I can't find it in the ribbon, in the ribbon customization tools it's not in the 'Popular Commands', it's not in the 'Commands not in the Ribbon' but is still available by doing Control-5 on the keyboard. Use the Ribbon Home -> Pointer Tool to turn it off.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


As of the RTM build (which you don't have), the freeform tool, pencil tool, and arc tool are now back in the drawing tool gallery where you probably first looked.  In the interim, the drawing tools gallery in the Developer tab (turn on dev tab via File > Options > Advanced > Enable Developer Mode, if I recall correctly) has these tools.

Not sure if there is a quick way to get the length of a curve.  Hopefully someone else can chime in...


Paul Herber

It didn't occur to me to look in the Developer tab!
When the final release of Visio 2010 is created will there be a list of changes since the Beta (just for those of us who are updating help files and instruction manuals for our products ready for Visio 2010)?

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


The original thinking was that the drawing tools are for shape creation, which is mostly a shape developer task.  Based on feedback, we've since backed off that design and promoted it back to the home tab.

Sorry, I'm not sure if/where the changes will be documented.  I'll try to find out for you and post here shortly.


Paul Herber

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


OK, just got confirmation that the Visio team blog ( will contain information on what changes were made between beta and RTM builds.  There have only been minor changes in the UI, so the list will be short.



Wow!   :o  Shape creation is mostly a developer task?!?   ???  Glad that was re-thought!   :P  There are a lot of us "non-developers" that do a lot of shape creation, both to support our jobs and for recreation.   >:(


Visio 2019 Pro

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