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Moving Guide Lines Resizes Shapes

Started by janw, December 03, 2009, 03:20:01 PM

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I got the following problem in both Visio 2007 and 2010:

I really like guidelines! But sometimes, when I move a guideline, the shapes attached / glued to it resize. This seems to be only a problem with the vertical guides, but I am not a 100% sure about that...

Could anyone please help me? I allready tried protecting the shape, but I did not find a solution yet.

Thanks in advance...


Hi Janw --

I tried this in V2003 (I don't have access to V2007 at the moment).  Glued shapes to both vertical and horizontal guidelines, protected shapes from resizing, and all works well--move guidelines wherever desired and shapes just tag along.

If no one else responds, I can try this on V2007 in about 8 hours.

Visio 2019 Pro


I'm baaaack.  Well, guess you can tell who rarely uses guidelines.  I've not been able to duplicate your problem, and more interestingly, even unprotected shapes maintain their size -- which is what I would expect.  Unfortunately, that means I couldn't replicate your problem.   :P

I'm attaching a file so that you may see what was tried.   ;)

Visio 2019 Pro

Paul Herber

I couldn't reproduce any problem either. Could you attach a simple diagram showing the problem?

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

Visio Guy


Shapes glue to guides by default, it's supposed to be that way! :)

If you like snapping to guides, but not gluing, you can turn it off.

Tools > Snap & Glue, then uncheck Glue to guides.

There are also a couple of handy button on the Snap and Glue toolbar. One turns off all gluing, another turns off just the Glue to Guides option.
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010


Hello VisioGuy!!

Can you tell me where I can find that Option in Visio 2010 beta? I really like using it and do not want to take the step back to 2007...

I attached a vsd in which the resizing problem occures.

Paul Herber

I see the problem and I can reproduce it with new shapes. It's a difference in the operation of 2D and 1D shapes, most Visio shapes are 2 dimensional and when these are glued to a guide line and the guide line is moved the shape moves with the guide line.
Not so with 1 dimensional shapes, like the shape in your example. You can get the same behaviour by gluing a standard connector to the guide line. The end of the shape glues to the guide line and when the guide line is moved only that end of the shape gets moved.

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -



Is there a reason why this has to be a 1D Shape? If not, you could change it to 2D.

Or write sth. like this in your BeginX Cell: =EndX-49.26 mm,
when the end is glued to the guideline.
So the position of the unglued end depends on the glued end.

But it's a problem if you don't know which end ist glued to a guideline, so you have alwasy to change this value manually.

Paul Herber

Select the shape, then menu Format -> Behavior and set the shape to 2D. You will have to re-glue the shape to the guide line though. This last could be a problem if you have a large number of shapes to adjust (tip: the Behavior bit can be done for all shapes at the same time by selecting all the appropriate shapes using the Control key).
Bear in mind that changing the shape from 1D to 2D may affect some other operation that relies on the shape being 1D.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Hi Jumpy. We use only 1D-Shapes, mostly from As we use Server / Storage Shapes from nearly all manufacter in our visio diagrams and there are 1D-Shapes for nearly all of 'em, we stick to 1D....  You know Corporate Identity and so on.. Also, I personally dont like 2D Shapes at all ;-)

Does anyone know how to protect the size of a shape in Visio 2010 beta??


Found it!!

Ribbon "Developer" -> Behaviour as described here:

Problem solved! Thanks to all!!

I do not know how you handle this here, but for my part this thread may be closed now.

Visio Guy

Good job, JanW, thanks for sharing.

This ribbon is going to be fun... :)

I need to find an "Issue Resolved" plug-in for this forum so we can mark solved topics.
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010

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