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Automatic Page Numbering

Started by Jim O, November 12, 2009, 11:00:26 PM

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Jim O

Hey Me Again,

Is there away to number your work pages automatically like Word has in it footer tool bar??? Thanks for the support in advance! ;D


My preferred technique is to create a background page, then put a text box whereever you want the page numbers to show up, then, right click in the text box and select "Insert Field".  Select whatever page numbering field you desire.  Then, have each drawing page reference this background page, and each page will subsequently be numbered automatically.

For example, create text box, type "Page ", then right click>insert field>Page Info>Page number, type " of ", Insert Field>Page Info>Number of pages. 

Each page will show the following:  Page X of Y, e.g., Page 2 of 12.  Where X is the current page number, and Y is the total number of pages in the document.

Visio 2019 Pro

Jim O

Jim O

Hi Again,

What you suggested works GREAT!! 

One other quick question if I may... What is the process if I want to start my page numbering lets say at page 3 or even 5??  Is there a formula involved???

Many Blessing to You

Jim O


Questions drive the forum!

Yes, you can change the beginning page number.  There are a couple of ways:

1.)  Add blank pages ahead of your 1st counted page.   ::) Advantage:  increments both the page number and total number of pages.  Also keeps the actual page synchronized with the displayed page number.  Some what primitive approach and incrementing the total number of pages may not be desireable.   :-\
2.)  Edit the shapesheet  :o of the text box that contains the page number info.

  • a.  Select text box, open shapesheet:  menu bar > Window > Show shapesheet
  • b.  Scroll down to the Text Fields section
  • c.  Edit the value cell, e.g., PAGENUMBER()+3
  • d.  Repeat in other cells as necessary

That will offset the page numbers by 3.  So, page 1 will show as page 4.

Have fun!   8)
Visio 2019 Pro

Jim O

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