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Getting connection points to stay put

Started by YossiD, October 26, 2009, 08:55:51 AM

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I'm looking for a way to resize shapes without the connection points moving.

I often have to resize shapes after adding lots of connection points and then I have to move the connection points one by one in order to keep connectors straight.

I realize that by default connection point positions are specified as a function of shape height and width, making what I want to do far from trivial.

I have tried increasing shape size by combining two shapes but then the connection points disappear altogether.

Any ideas?


1.  Create your shape
2.  Create a dummy shape...say square
3.  Group them
4.  Delete dummy shape
5.  Add connection points to group
6.  Resize your shape (its still a subshape of group)...Dont update alignment box or size of the group,
     that will move the connection points.
     (note, when resizing a subshape shape, by default the new size is centered where the old center was)

For things like this, I tend to use a really small shape for group...almost like an anchor
for this, do
1. create 2 dummy shapes...make them real small...say 1mm x 1mm
2. group them
3. lock the aspect ration and size in the protection section
4. Check accept now shapes to group
5. Take your cool shape and check add to group
6. selct your shape...and drag it over to the dummy group....wait for the black hash bars
7. When black hash bars seen, shape will be added to the group when you release
    (and do this be tasks=>group==>add to group).
8. Delete the little dummy shapes in 1.
9. add connection points to the group....note a connection point can be anywhere...just referenced to the group
    (width *3  and hieght *4 puts the connection point 3,4 hops away for actual group shape.


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