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Double Column Text Callout

Started by RicardoCalado, June 09, 2008, 11:25:30 AM

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I'm trying to do a network diagram with data graphics and linked data, but i've a lot of info to put in the diagram.

So i was wondering if there is a way to create a double text callout, or if you prefer two text callout one in the left and the other in the right. It would be like two columns of text callout's.

_LABEL______TEXT_  _LABEL______TEXT_ <shape>   

Thanks In Advance


Don't know if theres a quick fix for this, you could outline your data on both side of the shape. But as far as i know you lose the option to move your data around (I take it your using the build in feature to display the data?)

In the attached picture you can see that you can align data to either side of the shape using the horrizontal allignment (red circle's ).
Setting it to align at the outer sides will give the result shown in the attachment. As far as I know there is no way to make it show up as a double collom.

- Lars

Note: Oddly enough I seem to have lost the option to post an attachment, user group rights maybe? I'll get back to you with the attachment
For now: the result should be this:
_LABEL______TEXT_  <shape>  _LABEL______TEXT_

Visio Guy

Hi Ricardo,

You could create two different Data Graphics, each with different default locations.

So Data Graphic 1 is on the left of the shape by default, and displays one set of data.

So Data Graphic q is on the right of the shape by default, and displays a different set of data.

Other than that, you might have to create a custom data graphic from the "inside", which isn't a lot of fun.

There are some resources on how to do this here: Visio Guy: Data Graphics Resources
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