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Is it a feature? Visio 2010 Technical Preview

Started by JuneTheSecond, August 20, 2009, 04:36:51 AM

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When you change the size of the shape, then the page size changes.
It never happens in Visio 2007.
If you draw a simple shape like in a figure 1 below, and when you
expand the shape, then the page size changes, when the shape size
exceeds the edge of the existing page like a figure 2.
If it is a feature, it is very convenient especially when you paste a image
of very large size, or to make very long diagram like a figure 3 in the next
post.  :D :D :D
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda



Now I' found a property "AutoSize" for Application.
If Application.AutoSize = False, then the page size is fixed. :D :D :D
And found a new option in the page settings in order to expand the page
following to the needs.
Both functions are nearly same but not seem exactly the same.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda

Visio Guy

Good work, Junichi!

Yes, there is a new "expanding page" feature in Visio 2010. This is part of the "focus on process diagramming" that the Visio team is working towards.

I believe there is (or will be) a document ShapeSheet user-cell/flag that can be set to turn off Auto Size as well, as there are many drawing types that will NOT want this behavior. The Visio team are still trying to decide what the best defaults should be, so post your opinions here!
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I'v found language of the Visio ribbons can be changed to English from Japanese
by clicking options in the option dialog.  ;) ;) ;)
Because I installed both versions, English and Japanese.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda

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