Auto Expanding Sheet in Visio 2010: default option?

Started by wapperdude, August 21, 2009, 07:25:39 PM

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How should the default V2010 option for auto expanding sheet be set?

Always on
0 (0%)
Normally off, auto on for Gantt Chart, Timeline
2 (33.3%)
Easily selectable from Toolbar
2 (33.3%)
Pop-up when needed
1 (16.7%)
Always off
1 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 6


Visio 2010 has a feature that automatically expands the page size based upon shape content.  This would be particularly handy for long Gantt charts, or, as Gantt charts expand because of schedule delays or added tasks.

What should the default setting be?

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Visio 2019 Pro

Visio Guy

I think that it makes sense for flowcharting - this is how ABC/Micrografx flowcharter works/worked. I think people have requested it for a long time.

Personally, it drives me nuts, but I do understand the reasons for it. I think maybe it should be on by default in more limited circumstances, though.
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