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ShapeSheet DOCMD() comands

Started by Thomas Winkel, September 13, 2024, 08:48:45 AM

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Thomas Winkel

Here is a list of all Visio "DoCmd" commands:

All of them can be used for automation (VBA).
But only a subset can also be used in the ShapeSheet.
In the attached Excel document the auto-filter can be used to find them quickly.

For example EventDrop = DOCMD(1052) will ungroup a group on drop.


Many years ago I prepare web-based table
There you can also use filters and so on...

It's sad that the forum doesn't have the ability to embed such tables. As in this post at Russian Visio  forum.

Thomas Winkel

Ah, good to know. I didn't find that with Google. Having it online is of course better than downloading an Excel file.

In our VSTO AddIn I implemented many of these commands as MarkerEvent because I didn't know about this option :-[
Now, I change that to DOCMD() because this does not require the AddIn.

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