Why is the "Text fields" section disabled?

Started by BearDenBob, August 30, 2024, 06:18:52 PM

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I was hoping to see the "Text Fields" section on various Shape Sheets, however, the section seems missing, and unable to be chosen for display because the checkbox for it on the "View Sections" dialog for it is disabled. Can anyone shed light on this?


If shape have not fields then Text fields section is missed!
You cant add this section via ShapeSheet. This section add via user interface.



I tried this by creating a basic shape, (square), then defined a Shape Data Field called "Test" and gave it a value. The Text Fields section still does not appear to be available. Did I misunderstand your reply?

(if it's relevant, I am using Visio 365 P2 desktop app)


Misunderstood.  It appears with field inserted text.

See this: https://visguy.com/vgforum/index.php?topic=10204.0

...and related:

Visio 2019 Pro

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