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What's connected to what?

Started by manifold1978, August 03, 2024, 10:28:24 AM

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I do electronic diagrams.

I have lots of electronic products on the page.

My products can be inside containers, which represent rooms. They inherit data from the container so they know what room they're in.

So I can do what's where, but I can't do what's connected to what. I'd like the connectors between my shapes to be able to inherit values from whatever they're connected to, at both ends of the connector.

In the connector ShapeSheet, I've seen there are BegTrigger/EndTrigger values which show what shapes a connector is connected to, but it seems there is no way to access this programmatically, at least in vanilla Visio.

Is there a way to expose this data so it's available to the connector in ShapeSheets? I have a feeling it's possible, but perhaps only by using VBScript.

Could anyone give me a really simple bit of VB to get me going? I've not used VB before.


Search the forum for connectivity.  You'll get a lot of hits...

Yes.  There's a lot for getting info via VBA.

...did a quick search for entries that I've done, but there is much more...
Visio 2019 Pro

hidden layer

The connector is the only one who "knows" where it is connected to.
Only with VBA you can
1. grab the data from the connector and store it in some cell of the shape that represents a device AND/OR
2. store the device's properties in the connector's shapesheet.

If properly prepared you'll get a "wirelist" via Check-> Shape-Report.

sorry for having German names everywhere.

And it is of course made with some findings here (thanks wapperdude!)

Pls check the VBA-Module. the "from-to" sub exchange the dates and the "wire-list" sub gives unique ascending numbers to the connectors.

have fun!

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