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I'm lazy

Started by Yacine, July 15, 2024, 05:08:34 PM

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I enjoyed the following conversation with I thought you may enjoy it as well.
It has nothing to do with Visio per se, but the one or the other nerd here may feel understood.

I asked it to formulate in a funny way that my greatest asset is my laziness. That I'd rather invest a VERY long time trying to automate a task rather than doing it the dumb way.

It gave me several phrases in English and in German. I'll keep the German ones too, for the little of use understanding it, because they are not the pure translation of the English ones.

  • "My laziness is my greatest asset - I'd rather spend a week automating a task than 5 minutes doing it manually!"
  • "I'm not lazy, I'm on an epic quest to automate myself out of a job!"
  • "Call me the Lazy Genius - where others see work, I see automation opportunities!"
  • "My laziness is so advanced, it's basically AI at this point. I automate therefore I am!"
  • "I don't avoid work, I just prefer to invest my energy in creating an army of scripts to do my bidding!"
  • "I'm not avoiding work, I'm just in a long-term relationship with automation. It's complicated!"
  • "My laziness is so powerful, it bends the space-time continuum. Why do today what a script can do tomorrow?"
  • "I'm not lazy, I'm on a spiritual journey to achieve oneness with my computer. Automation is my meditation!"
  • "They say hard work pays off, but have you tried strategic laziness? My scripts have scripts!"
  • "I'm so lazy, even my zeros and ones are taking a nap. Thank goodness for automated wake-up calls!"
  • "I've elevated laziness to an extreme sport. My personal best? Automating my automation process!"
  • "My spirit animal? A sloth riding a Roomba while coding. That's peak efficiency right there!"
  • "I'm not procrastinating, I'm just giving my future self the gift of automation. You're welcome, future me!"

Und hier die deutsche Entsprechung.

  • "Meine Faulheit ist mein Superpower - ich automatisiere lieber drei Stunden lang, als eine Minute manuell zu arbeiten!"
  • "Ich bin so faul, dass ich sogar meine Faulheit automatisiere. Nennt mich den Effizienz-Ninja!"
  • "Mein Motto: Warum einfach, wenn's auch kompliziert geht? Hauptsache, ich muss danach keinen Finger mehr rühren!"
  • "Ich bin nicht faul, ich betreibe aggressives Energiemanagement durch präventive Automatisierung!"
  • "Meine Faulheit ist wie ein Sportwagen - hochgezüchtet, effizient und immer auf der Überholspur der Automatisierung!"
  • "Ich bin der Picasso der Prokrastination - meine Faulheit ist Kunst, und Automatisierung mein Meisterwerk!"
  • "Meine Faulheit hat ein Eigenleben entwickelt. Sie schreibt jetzt selbstständig Skripte, während ich Kaffee trinke!"
  • "Ich bin so faul, dass selbst meine Maus einen Burnout bekommen hat. Zum Glück habe ich eine App, die für sie klickt!"
  • "Nennt mich den Faulheits-Philosophen: Ich automatisiere, also bin ich... faul!"
  • "Meine To-Do-Liste und ich spielen Verstecken. Die Automatisierung sucht für mich!"


This goes beyond the individual...this needs a Team interaction.  Ill send a telegram.
Visio 2019 Pro


Quote from: wapperdude on July 15, 2024, 05:24:22 PMThis goes beyond the individual...this needs a Team interaction.  Ill send a telegram.
I am not sure if "you prick!" is harmless enough and can be understood in a friendly funny manner. Well, that would have been my intention. ;)

Auf Deutsch - "Arschloch" - so sorry! Really. This language is so complicated.

wapperdude was supposed to be funny. The English ones were cute and clever.
Visio 2019 Pro

hidden layer

lazy people does search for a solution, diligent people have no time for?


Quote from: wapperdude on July 15, 2024, 08:26:36 was supposed to be funny. The English ones were cute and clever.
Well ... my response was also meant to be funny. I should have writen haha instead.


Overall, this post is hilarious.  I'd laugh, but that takes too much effort...
Visio 2019 Pro

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