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Python ... again

Started by Yacine, May 01, 2024, 11:25:25 AM

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Mühsam ernehrt sich das Eichhörnchen.
I'll have a look at it during the weekend.


uploaded revision 0.1.4
visio_connect now safely handles monikers of unsaved files and reports according exception.Added tests for monikers and improved regular connect test.Added module select assign


Quote from: Yacine on June 30, 2024, 12:05:17 PMvisio_connect now safely handles monikers of unsaved files and reports according exception.Added tests for monikers and improved regular connect test.Added
Yes, monikers are works. But I get error
----> 6 vInit(0, globals_dict = globals())Please check my notebook.


The output looks like one of the previous versions. Can you confirm that you have 0.1.4 installed


Quote from: Yacine on July 04, 2024, 11:02:38 AMCan you confirm that you have 0.1.4 installed
I first installed pyvisio on July 2. I think this is the most current version.
How can I check this?

PS I may have a problem with my environment.
I've been using miniconda. I recently tried to update it, but something went wrong.
Now I do all my experiments in Jupiter Notebooks.


Quote from: Surrogate on July 04, 2024, 11:07:24 AMHow can I check this?
Just try use now VS Code: pip install pyvisio
Collecting pyvisio
  Obtaining dependency information for pyvisio from
  Downloading pyVisio-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (6.1 kB)
> pip show pyvisio
Name: pyVisio
Version: 0.2.0
Summary: Interactive and dynamic data visualization library


I installed pyvisio instead of visiopy  :o
My bad...
> pip install visiopy 
Requirement already satisfied: visiopy in c:\anaconda\lib\site-packages (0.1.4)
Requirement already satisfied: pywin32 in c:\anaconda\lib\site-packages (from visiopy) (305.1)


I updated to 0.2.0, this tool didn't works for me
> pip show visiopy
Name: visiopy
Version: 0.2.0
Just I make some changes for my notebook Surrrogate_pyvisio_tests.ipynb
from visiopy import vDocs, vInit

# to display your open Visio files

vInit(0, globals_dict = globals())
# connects to the first document as displayed above.

shps = [shp for shp in vPg.Shapes]
for shp in shps:
  shp.Cells("PinX").Formula = int(shp.Cells("PinX").ResultInt("mm")*10)/10 + "mm"
  shp.Cells("PinY").Formula = int(shp.Cells("PinY").ResultInt("mm")*10)/10 + "mm"
And get ner error in next line

TypeError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[3], line 6
      3 vDocs()
      4 # to display your open Visio files
----> 6 vInit(0, globals_dict = globals())
      7 # connects to the first document as displayed above.
      9 shps = [shp for shp in vPg.Shapes]

TypeError: vInit() got an unexpected keyword argument 'globals_dict'


Sorry - my bad, lazy me!

It's now:
from visiopy import vInit

I shortened the variable to "g" for efficiency.

But, I'm glad you're trying to use the tool. I'm here in case you need more assistance. We can also schedule a teams meeting, if that would help. Drop me a message if you want.


Quote from: Yacine on January 10, 2025, 04:57:38 PMI'm glad you're trying to use the tool.
I find, especially Line74! I understand how works vInit;D
Thank you!


and an additional note: the visio constants are available as "c.constant" - e.g. c.VisTagDefault
That's something I often stumble upon when pasting code from the macro recorder.

And last hint, the syntax is case sensitive!


Quote from: Yacine on January 13, 2025, 01:38:01 PMand an additional note: the visio constants are available as "c.constant" - e.g. c.VisTagDefault
This opportunity is intresting for me, but where I wrong?
from visiopy import vInit
vInit(new = True, g=globals())
vApp.Visible = True
c = []

Quote from: Cell Output----> 6 print(c.VisTagDefault)
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'VisTagDefault'


with c= [], you've overwritten the initial instantiation by vInit.
Write the same code but without c=..


Quote from: Yacine on January 13, 2025, 02:35:29 PMWrite the same code but without c=..
On my side print(c.VisTagDefault) does not work...
Yesterday I once again did the stupid thing of upgrading my Jupyter Notebook. Now I have a broken both  Jupyter Notebook and  JupyterLab.
QuoteWARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution ~otebook (C:\anaconda\Lib\site-packages)


from visiopy import vInit
vInit(new = True, g=globals())
vApp.Visible = True
print('Test: ',c.visTagDefault, c.visSectionUser)

Instantiated the variables vApp, vDoc, vPg and vWin for the document Drawing7,
as well as the variable c for the Visio constants
Test:  0 242


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