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SETATREF(Height) / EventXFMod Behavior

Started by MacGyver, April 23, 2024, 04:19:25 PM

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Quote from: wapperdude on April 28, 2024, 06:29:35 AMFound the issue.  It is linked to re-drawing...

Go to File>Options>Advanced.  Deselect Enable live dynamics.  That halts shape re-drawing, which halts events associated with dragging. 

Well, yes but no. I mean almost.
live dynamics is on by standard. For a standard solution it would be rather difficult to ask users to disable it.
Maybe the macro could / should disable the function by itself?


@Thomas W:  I've tried repeatedly, and not had failure.

@Yacine:  Yes, default is on, so would require User intervention.  It can be in a macro, entry would be, Application.LiveDynamics = False.  Obviously, need 2nd macro to set back to True.  I did this and created to Action rows with RunMacro.  Works fine.  As for User...well, I think the OP may be the only one doing this, so, minor inconvenience.

Note:  The dynamics must be disabled before the macro is called.  Doing so in the macro is after the fact and too late to do any good.  To facilitate, I call macros from the Actions section in shapesheet.  Thus, just a right click away.

Can you confirm that this solves problem?

The Action rows:
Action.Row_3.Menu -> "_SetLiveDynamics"
Action.Row_4.Action -> RUNMACRO("ThisDocument.DisAbleDyn")+SETF(GetRef(Actions.Row_4.Checked),1)+SETF(GetRef(Actions.Row_5.Checked),0)
Action.Row_4.Menu -> "Disable"

Action.Row_5.Action -> RUNMACRO("ThisDocument.EnAbleDyn")+SETF(GetRef(Actions.Row_4.Checked),0)+SETF(GetRef(Actions.Row_5.Checked),1)
Action.Row_5.Menu -> "Enable" 

Visio 2019 Pro


Interesting.  I went all the way back TO OP's original file and made the above changes.  Yes.  There does seem to be an issue with the code. 

@Thomas W:  My apologies.

Visio 2019 Pro


OK. Ok. Ok.

This would be a complete solution as I recommend.  It solves the initial problem.  It improves shapesheet syntax issues.  See the attached contains everything.  Also, the code is listed below for quick reference.   It is Yacine's code, with option to bypass the delay if the LiveDynamics is disabled.  This results in faster execution time and doesn't require code editing if LiveDynamics are enabled or disabled.  The actualRoutine omits the Undo stuff, but otherwise does the add / remove connect point rows.

I placed the LiveDynamic code in the ThisDocument code section...because I could...and to easily distinguish it from working code.

The attached file has the both the original shape and edited shape (shapesheet).
  > Page-2 has the updated shape.  Page-1 has original shape.
  > The height and width resizing formulae have been moved from User section, to their respective cells.
  > The formulae use the full, SETATREF functions.
  > The width has added condition to set width to size of text entered.  Thus, long text will fit without wrapping.
  > Added Action entries to allow enable/disable of live dynamics.
Note:  if this approach is put to use, I would comment out the debug.print statements in the code.

Module1 code:
Dim bBusy As Boolean
Dim counter As Long
Dim rejected As Long
Sub ConnPtAdjust(shp As Visio.Shape)
  Dim start As Double

  If bBusy Then
    Debug.Print "Reject event"
    rejected = rejected + 1
    counter = counter + 1

    Exit Sub
    rejected = 0
    counter = 0
    bBusy = True
    start = Timer
'    counter = counter + 1
    Debug.Print "Start time: ", start
    If Application.LiveDynamics Then
        While Timer - start < 1
    End If
    Debug.Print "Executing now @" & Timer, "repetition", counter, "Rejected events", rejected
    actualRoutine shp
    bBusy = False
  End If
End Sub

Sub actualRoutine(shp As Visio.Shape)
    connPtRow = shp.RowCount(visSectionConnectionPts) - 1   ' rownum used in vba formula generation is 0 based
    lastCPYVal = shp.CellsSRC(visSectionConnectionPts, connPtRow, visCnnctY).Result(visInches)

    If lastCPYVal >= 0.875 Then
'        Debug.Print "Add rows"
        rowsToAdd = 1 + Int((lastCPYVal - 0.875) / 0.625)
        rowNew = connPtRow
        rowsToAdd = 1 + Int((lastCPYVal - 0.875) / 0.625)
        ' we add rowsToAdd*2 cuz we add two conn points (left/right side of shape) per elevation

        For i = 1 To rowsToAdd
'            Debug.Print "Adding " & shp.Name & " Point " & rowNew

            ' left side conn point
            rowNew = rowNew + 1
'            Debug.Print "setting data"
            shp.AddRow visSectionConnectionPts, rowNew, visCnnctX
            shp.CellsSRC(visSectionConnectionPts, rowNew, visCnnctX).FormulaForceU = "Connections.X3"
            shp.CellsSRC(visSectionConnectionPts, rowNew, visCnnctY).FormulaForceU = "Connections.Y" & rowNew & "-0.625"
            shp.CellsSRC(visSectionConnectionPts, rowNew, visCnnctDirX).FormulaU = "Connections.DirX[3]"
            ' right side conn point
            rowNew = rowNew + 1
            shp.AddRow visSectionConnectionPts, rowNew, visCnnctX
            shp.CellsSRC(visSectionConnectionPts, rowNew, visCnnctX).FormulaForceU = "Connections.X4"
            shp.CellsSRC(visSectionConnectionPts, rowNew, visCnnctY).FormulaForceU = "Connections.Y" & rowNew
            shp.CellsSRC(visSectionConnectionPts, rowNew, visCnnctDirX).FormulaU = "Connections.DirX[4]"

    ' need to remove connection points
    ElseIf lastCPYVal < 0.375 Then
        For i = connPtRow To 1 Step -1 ' start removing conn points from last row, decreasing by two (left/right side of shape)
            If shp.CellsSRC(visSectionConnectionPts, i, visCnnctY).Result(visInches) < 0.375 Then
'                Debug.Print "Removing"; shp.Name & " Point " & i & ", " & shp.CellsSRC(visSectionConnectionPts, i, visCnnctY).Result(visInches)
                shp.DeleteRow visSectionConnectionPts, i
                Exit For
            End If

    End If
End Sub

ThisDocument code:
Sub DisAbleDyn()
    Application.LiveDynamics = False
    Debug.Print "FALSE"
End Sub
Sub EnAbleDyn()
    Application.LiveDynamics = True
    Debug.Print "TRUE"
End Sub
Visio 2019 Pro


if not bWapperdudeBusy then
elif not bChildrenBusy
elif bWheatherFine
  for i = 1 to todo_list.count
    if todo_list(i).bInTheMoodForTheTask then
  next i


😂😂😂. My side's hurt.   Off to do other things.... 8)
Visio 2019 Pro

Thomas Winkel


Be careful of handling Wapperdude_FormidableJob_Finished() event.
Errors could lead to unpredictable behavior.

Today I tried again some approaches and always got inconsistent results...
Time to put Visio aside for a few days and then start again with a blank drawing ;D

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