Any idea why this font won't work in Visio 2010?

Started by jabbett, August 29, 2013, 03:32:35 PM

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The TrueType icon font that's provided with Bootstrap 3.0 ("Glyphicons Halflings," attached) will show up in my Visio fonts dropdown, but when I select it, it reverts to Calibri. Any ideas why that's happening?


Paul Herber

It's actually an OpenType font, Visio doesn't do OpenType fonts.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Have you tried converting the font as per Saveen Reddy's post? :

It would be interesting to see if they can be surfaced in Visio?

Best regards

John Goldsmith - Visio MVP


Hi, I am having a similar issue, I want to use the Emoji for fire, I have it in visio2016, but when I copy it accross to Visio2007 it does not recognize it, any suggestion are useful, please give full instructions.


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