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Current forum problem (FIXED!)

Started by Paul Herber, March 10, 2024, 08:18:46 PM

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Visio Guy

Quote from: TwoBeAss on March 27, 2024, 07:17:32 AMBut something is still wrong with the SSL Certificate... I always need to deactivate my Cloudflare VPN to access the forum ;)

We are now https!
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Thomas Winkel

Wow, very cool. Now this forum also works well on mobile devices. Thanks for your effort!

Paul Herber

The latest update has stopped the plethora of spam accounts that were being created. 20+ per day down to none. Must have been a security flaw that was allowing this to happen. Even so, 90% were from one certain country. My own website is being attacked now. Ho hum.

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Your count needs correcting...I had to delete 1.
Visio 2019 Pro

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