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ChatVGF: AI and/or Other Boards?

Started by Visio Guy, March 27, 2024, 12:20:37 PM

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Visio Guy

Should I create a separate board for "A.I. and Machine Learning"?

Any other needs for new boards?

Any old ones that need to be deleted or archived or locked or relegated somehow?

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Not sure about AI.  Seems more of a bitching topic right now.  Perhaps somehow a means to show which aids are available? 

Similarly, a board for PowerShell???  Not sure enough interest.  There have been a few entries over the years.  Again, have good referals is nice. 

Old boards are good.  Usually have for resource info.  Perhaps the WireFrame?

Ah.  Is 3D a good board to have?
Visio 2019 Pro


Well, AI will be more and more in focus and I will certainly post the one or the other post on the subject.
But a dedicated board doesn't seem useful in any way.

Actually the same for the other differentiations / boards.
I use the forum in two ways:
- watch the fresh posts - regardless of the boards
- search forum-wide for subjects - either with the onboard search or via Google. Here also regardless of the board.


Whoa!  Yacine has gone formal!  Tux & bow tie!

Visio 2019 Pro

Visio Guy

Quote from: wapperdude on March 28, 2024, 05:09:00 AMWhoa!  Yacine has gone formal!  Tux & bow tie!
If you're going to be a motor valve, at least be a well-dressed motor valve!
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