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Current forum problem (FIXED!)

Started by Paul Herber, March 10, 2024, 08:18:46 PM

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Paul Herber

A quick report for all. Something has happened to the web hosting for this forum and sometimes an error is generated. It's only a temporary problem and nothing can be done about it for the time being. All that you can do for now is to refresh the page or go back to a previous and refresh again.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

Paul Herber

Also, no emails are being sent out at the moment.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

Paul Herber

I'm having to email new members and activate accounts manually at the moment. Just trying to avoid the bots and spamming accounts.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Oh my!!!  That bad!?!  Thank goodness for PH.
Visio 2019 Pro


Has the look of the forum changed?
UPDATED: Now we can insert embedded YouTube videos!

hidden layer

Quote from: Surrogate on March 26, 2024, 02:40:00 PMHas the look of the forum changed?


someone tidy it up, thanks!

Visio Guy

Howdy folks, I've been quite busy with work, but I've managed to update the forum today! There were a few minutes where both and displayed NOTHING which scared the crap out of me, but in the end it's all reawakened!

I created a test account and I did, in fact, receive the verification/activation email. Hopefully this will fix the password reset email problem as well!
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Nice look!  Login issue resolved.  Navigation issue resolved.  Some new features, eh!?!  Will have to explore. 

Nice to have a smoothly running forum again.

Many thanks Visio Guy!!!
Visio 2019 Pro

Visio Guy

I just figured out how to re-enable the LIKE feature. Please keep an eye out for missing stuff.

Looks like the YouTube "BB Code" button is there, good.

(from 2007!)

Is code syntax-highlighting working properly?
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hidden layer

the left one? works.

the right one: where are the logos?

Visio Guy

That might be "avatars". I saw a warning during the upgrade...might need to re-activate something.

Ok, I had to create a custom avatar directory, then upload an image. I guess users will need to re-choose/create their avatars. Or use Gravatar, or enter a URL to point to an image.
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Paul Herber

Even though my forum profile showed my picture, I had to reload it to get the forum to use my picture. And I've had to reset my time zone. Planet Zog is not listed so UK will do for now.
It all looks very bright and modern (I mean the forum, not the UK or planet Zog).
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


There's a URL avatar-option for the lazies amongst us!
6'4" and full of muscle

Visio Guy

Sorry @wapperdude and @hidden layer, I couldn't resist fiddling with your profile pics!  :)  ;)

Happy to remove them at your requests!
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