Visio shape data / user cell in shape text with multiple colors other formatting

Started by Visisthebest, January 19, 2024, 04:38:29 PM

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Again all the valuable information shared here is proof what a great forum this is! :D

I have a prediction for 2024, as the year progresses custom development for Visio web editor is coming as well. The first step is custom shapes and templates in the editor being (almost) fully supported as in the desktop edition, after which custom development for Visio web editor will become possible as well. Visio plan 2 will be required for this, plan 1 will not support it.
Visio 2021 Professional


Quote from: Visisthebest on January 23, 2024, 11:52:22 AMI have a prediction for 2024
I read article by David J Parker a long time ago (from 2020), I think back then they were promising it soon...
Quote from: David J Parker in article Customising Visio Shapes for the Web AppWhat next?
So you now have a way to create better graphics, add right mouse menus, data and hyperlinks on shapes for general use by Visio Plan 1 users. Visio desktop app users can create a corporate template with custom shapes to improve consistency, presentation and branded appearance for all users of Visio documents.


They underestimated how much work it would be to run the Visio model in a web browser.
Visio 2021 Professional


Quote from: Visisthebest on January 23, 2024, 04:54:34 PMrun the Visio model in a web browser
The purpose of creating a web-based application is to increase the number of potential users. Most of the users (desktop and web) create the simplest schemes (elementary clip-art). ShapeSheet in desktop application is used by about 1% of the total number of users!
Therefore, in my opinion, it makes no sense to transfer all the power of Visio to the web.


But they're doing it anyway Surrogate, and I am happy they're going this way!

I think compatibility with existing diagrams is a huge factor in their consideration to go this way.
Visio 2021 Professional


Good thing they made you happy! Or they will do it a little later by adding this functionality )

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