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Ineffective Bing AI Searching

Started by wapperdude, September 04, 2023, 01:20:53 AM

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Well, I tried searching for a variety of topics covered here in the Forum.  For example, Container Lists. I know there are several topics on this, but Bing AI (BAI) couldn't find any. I asked if it could search the forum for topics. First it said no, but then apologized and said Yes.  I tried the container search again.  Nothing.  I gave it a specific link, and Viola!, it found it and provided a snynopsis.  So, I then tried SETATREF.  Nothing.  Anywhere!  Period.

Well, if the forum depends upon BAI for references, we're doomed!!!
Visio 2019 Pro


What about:
1. Forums internal search
2. Alternatives: like Google/etc


The Forum's internal search works fine.  But I was working from perspective that someone had a Visio issue and was not aware of this (or any other forum).  On that basis, they would type in some keywords and do a search.

I was checking Bing AI because it was new, greatest thing.  Not so.  I think google may fare better.  Just take some topic  keywords, plus Visio, and do a search.

Google search does much better.  Found stuff, on the Forum, that BAI couldn't find here or anywhere for that matter.
Visio 2019 Pro


Funny how MS missed training its AI on one of its own products.


Quote from: Yacine on September 04, 2023, 08:47:29 AM
Funny how MS missed training its AI on one of its own products.
Visio is an adopted son for M$FT, and at an advanced age.
It's been years since the adoption. No great love now...

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