Shape Geometries and Fill Settings ShapeSheet

Started by VisioNooblet, March 31, 2023, 12:29:00 PM

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Hi everyone,

Apologies if this has been asked before (I have looked but can't find a specific answer to my question).

I'm creating an organisation hierarchy and want to show one of the organisations as having a split due to being owned by two other linked parties.  One of the parties owns 25% and the other owns 75%.

I wanted to know how to split the shape (in this case I'm using the 'process' shape from the basic flowchart shapes) so that there is a vertical line that is 75% along the width of the shape (and which is scaleable if the size changes).

I then want to colour part of the shape that is 25% a different colour to the part of the shape that is 75% (so I can match this with the boxes connected to it with the relevant owner).

I wondered if anyone has any advice?

Paul Herber

You can't use shape geometry to split a shape into different colours. One shape can only have one Fill section.
Have a look at grouping shapes, each of the shapes within the group can have their own colour, as well as the top-level group shape having its own colour as well.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Ah!  That explains it.  Thank you :)

I assume with grouping it is possible to ensure that the relative shapes remain the same compared to the overall width?

Thanks again.

Paul Herber

Yes, certainly. All part of the grouped shape's settings.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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