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Copilot for Microsoft 365 apps

Started by Visisthebest, March 17, 2023, 03:23:11 PM

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Amazing AI functionality for Office in this Microsoft video released yesterday:

the & more mentioned could include Visio desktop and online, we're waiting with hope!
Visio 2021 Professional

Paul Herber

I wish there were a Don't Like button!
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -



Yikes!  That's a loooong video.  Hmmmm.  Eventually, people become useless.  Oh.  Sorry.  Eventaully, people have 100% free time to goof off.   Hmmmm.  See 1st conclusion.
Visio 2019 Pro

Paul Herber

Quote from: wapperdude on March 17, 2023, 05:22:03 PM
Eventually, people become useless.  Oh.  Sorry.  Eventaully, people have 100% free time to goof off.

We have shorter names for these states of existence. Retirement. And golf.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Your comments are quite negative.

I understand them, but it reminds of my old days, where we used to build our PCs by ourselves. We were proud of belonging to a niche community which dived in the depths of computer hardware.
PCs became mainstream and everybody started using them, not caring about how they worked.

That could maybe be compared to asking why a fork has 2,3 or 4 tines. I never thought about it, but the people who invented it did. And when the 4 tined forks came out there will certainly have been other people arguing about them. It just use them and am happy about them.

Same for having a tool that simplifies the writing of my standard texts. We old farts, that had to learn how to formulate standard texts and accepted to do it over an over again, with the same rules turn up our noses at those kids too lazy to learn the basics.

Times are getting faster and the computer is taking over more and more repetitive tasks. Sometimes maybe too much - not really.

We are not capable to do basic calculations in our mind and we're not capable anymore to navigate in a city without using a smartphone. Somewhat pity - yes - but we're developing other skills, namely in abstracting tasks and becoming capable of describing problem solving strategies.

I claim of myself to analyse every task I get and think about solving it "smartly". Where other people just accomplish the task, I too often automate it - even if it costs 3-4 times the usual way. It pays later on off.

And it is this way that AI will change our brains. We'll learn to solve problems differently.

2023 is just a beginning - but a good one - and we'll see a lot of non-sense in the coming years. But in a not so far time, these AI services will get better and better.

There still will be enough people that love doing repetitive tasks. I'm sorry for them. ;)

hidden layer

I remember the Taxi in Berlin with the non-ad "Navi macht dumm" (Navigation apps makes people more stupid) when those devices become available. Which is not untrue.

I also remember lots of telephone numbers (which are -at 99,9%- not even existing anymore) because there were no smartphone, Newton or similar 'til the 90s. And by writing them in some notebook they are stored somewhere inside me. (from-hand-to-mind teachers said).

I also make some automation for things others make manually (over and over again) and sometimes I spend more time to create this than the other people need for this task (Yacine +1).

But I get feared if they speak about "resposible" AI.

In the last week we had a lot of fun with GPT4. My conclusion was that if it behaves like a human - that may be true but what type of human? A responsible adult or a 10-year-old-smartass?

But I remain curious...



Auto mating is not the same as having something do your thinki ng and/or eliminating you.   :o ::)
Where's that auto-correct???

Wait!  What?!?  You have a 4-pronged fork???  Oh my.
Visio 2019 Pro

Paul Herber

Quote from: wapperdude on March 19, 2023, 08:07:11 PM
Auto mating is not the same as having something do your thinki ng and/or eliminating you.   :o ::)
Where's that auto-correct???

Wait!  What?!?  You have a 4-pronged fork???  Oh my.

I have a wife to do my thinking for me, or so she claims!  :-X :-X
Left-hand: fork. Right-hand: knife.

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Quote from: Paul Herber on March 19, 2023, 09:01:09 PM
I have a wife to do my thinking for me, or so she claims!  :-X :-X

I have this kind of co-pilot at home too. But it is some how the opposite of what I wished.
If I would use it for work it would be like:
Me: co-pilot please set up a report as powerpoint file of the orders of the last 6 months.
Co-pilot: Powerpoint is not in fashion anymore. I'll do it in Excel and orders do not interest anyone, I'll rather make a satisfaction index overview of the employees in relation with the number of flower species in the backyard.


Quote from: wapperdude on March 19, 2023, 08:07:11 PM
Auto mating is not the same as having something do your thinki ng and/or eliminating you.   :o ::)

You sure?
I thought it was the other way around. Automation does eliminate jobs.

And as AI assistant I thought about these computers in the movies. "James, give me the top 10 list of suspects, then fill in the bath tub. No bubbles."

Was thinking of Iron Man and Knight Rider.
But you can also google "AI assistant in movies".


The GPT-X large language models are not as smart as you think:

But Microsoft integrating CoPilot/GPT-4 in to Visio desktop is a great way to renew attention for the product. CoPilot/GPT-4 will generate a lot of half-baked solutions (if you ask it to generate VBA for your particular use case), and people will need Visio experts to actually make it work (in practical terms) for them.
Visio 2021 Professional




Quote from: Visisthebest on March 20, 2023, 10:03:22 AM
The GPT-X large language models are not as smart as you think:

... sure, otherwise it would be a sport to teach them silly thinks.

"Scientists have proven that the earth is flat."


Quote from: Visisthebest on March 20, 2023, 10:03:22 AMand people will need Visio experts to actually make it work (in practical terms) for them.
Who are these people?

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