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Glue multiple rectangles

Started by MarkL94, March 16, 2023, 06:50:25 AM

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Hi all,

I would like to glue multiple (about 5) rectangles to each other using connection points (only in y direction is sufficient). When rescaling or move one, I would like the others to move along.

So far, I've found an example in which the following steps were performed:

  • Draw a rectangle
  • Add two connection points
  • Make one of the two connection points an outward connection point
  • In Shapesheet, change DirX/A and DirY/B to 0 mm for both added connection points
  • Copy the shape, and glue the new shape to the original using the connection point

This is close to what I'm looking for. Because, if I rescale or move the initial shape, the other one follows. However, if I move the second shape, the glued connection gets broken. Can somebody pinpoint me the right direction?

Thank you in advance!

Paul Herber

The trouble is that with the behaviour you want it would be impossible to ever separate the shapes once glued.
But there are two alternatives.
1. multiple geometry sections within one shape
2. a grouped shape

Option 2 is the most likely to be what you want.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Quote from: MarkL94 on March 16, 2023, 06:50:25 AM
Copy the shape, and glue the new shape to the original using the connection point
What connection point type do you use for these points: same or differend for left and right size ?


Visio have 3 types of connection points

Please read more about these types...


Quote from: Paul Herber on March 16, 2023, 08:12:17 AM
The trouble is that with the behaviour you want it would be impossible to ever separate the shapes once glued.
But there are two alternatives.
1. multiple geometry sections within one shape
2. a grouped shape

Option 2 is the most likely to be what you want.

Yes, indeed, that makes sense. That is basically what I want. I would separate the shape by deleting it.

Option 2 I think does not suite my problem indeed, as resizing one shape does not behave as I would like.

How would option 1 work? I've never worked with multiple geometry sections work?

Thank you all for your input!


Quote from: MarkL94 on March 16, 2023, 06:50:25 AM
Make one of the two connection points an outward connection point
I'm sorry I didn't notice this!
Try make one side as outward and another side as inward...


No worries! As I indicated, this does not allow me to resize all shapes individually while the others follow. Thank you for the input though!


Quote from: MarkL94 on March 16, 2023, 09:10:20 AMAs I indicated, this does not allow me to resize all shapes individually while the others follow
What about their pin positions ?


Mark, please try this document.
Shapes behave as intended ?


Quote from: Surrogate on March 16, 2023, 12:10:03 PM
Mark, please try this document.
Shapes behave as intended ?

Thank you for your effort! This is exactly what I currently have indeed. The unfortunate part is that, when moving or rescaling the object on the right, the rest of the objects remain in place. I'm looking for the behavior of the object on the left, but then for all objects glued to each other.

I appreciate your coorporation!


In this video you can watch how I create it steps-by-step...


I don't know if I can dare to propose my old tool. Watch reply #2 of this post
But I think that is overkill for your task.


Quote from: MarkL94 on March 16, 2023, 12:52:02 PMwhen moving or rescaling the object on the right, the rest of the objects remain in place
Of course, if you move in the middle of the row there is a break in the chain.
In my case, you can resize the shape through the "Size and Position Window" without breaking the chain (see the last seconds of the video)

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