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Why isn't Visio working?

Started by groston, January 30, 2023, 04:43:00 PM

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I have Visio Premium 2010, version 14.0.7268.5000 (32-bit) running on my fully up-to-date Windows 7 Professional in 64 bit mode. Visio has run without issue for many years, but now it seems to crash all of the time. For example, I just created a new Basic Diagram, dragged a square onto the form, right-clicked the square and chose Format->Fill, changed the pattern dropdown (doesn't matter which I choose), and the program crashes.

What on earth is going on? This nonsense had made Visio an unusable program! More importantly, what can I do to resolve this issue?

p.s. Do not suggest updating the OS - that is not going to happen.


why 32 bit visio on 64 bit windows?
there is a problem where EMF blows up the OS...fix page cache or see the visio cafe for steps to fix

FWIW, I only had specific function issues with 2010....visio as a whole worked for me on windows 7 ...10 years ago.


Vojo - Thanks for the reply.

"why 32 bit visio on 64 bit windows?" I run the Outlook add-in Pocketknife Peek (it is amazingly good!), but it is only available for the 32 bit version of Outlook. I suspect that that is the reason that I installed 32 bit Visio. But do note, that Visio has run just fine for many years.

Not sure what you are getting at with respect to EMF. The issue occurred when I tried to create a new Visio diagram and I rarely, if ever, deal with EMF files. I found the site, but am not sure for what to be looking. Also, not sure how to fix the page cache – would you kindly provide a pointer.


Have you noticed the moment when the problem started?
You can check which Windows updates or applications were installed after that moment.
One of those may be the reason.

Other than that you can check the windows event log if it contains something useful.
Or, when Visio crashes, it suggests sending a report to Microsoft, and there is a list of files that are to be sent, you can take a look at those if there is some hint.

The Microsoft support is also there... It looks the only company where you still have people at the other end of the line, not robots.

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