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Massive Map for Electric Utility

Started by NateB, December 22, 2022, 06:48:15 PM

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Hello all. I've been working on an overview of my electrical system to use as a map for troubleshooting outages.

I'm using Office 16 version of Visio because that is what my IT department has given me to draw this map. I've made some good progress and have learned a lot from this forum. You all have been a ton of help!!

Now I'm stuck and can't seem to expand the canvas to the needed size. I don't know if I have maxed it out or not. I have been using the Auto size feature and it was doing well until I reached what seems to be the max size.

I've attached the documents I'm working on. I basically need to make the map about 3 times the size it is now.

Any ideas or help would be GREATLY appreciated. I've spent so much time on learning how to toggle colors, add links ect ect.. If I have to start over I don't know what I'll do. hahaha..



Now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder if our licensing doesn't support larger canvases?

Paul Herber

Licensing doesn't affect things like page sizing.
Just scroll your page so you can see the edge, then hold down the Ctrl key and drag the edge with your mouse.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


I have tried that and all it does is move the canvas position, it doesn't expand it and allow me to continue drawing

Paul Herber

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


I appreciate the help, but I am still unable to make the "map" any larger than it already is.

Maybe I need to resize everything so I can fit more into the allowed space. I thought that Visio had infinite canvas size so i figured it would be perfect.


You can either grow the "canvas" size or shrink the content size using page scale settings.  However there are limits to both.  Plus, you then need to be able to easily "zoom" in and out...and there are limits to doing that.  But, there's no automated zoom function like Google Earth ( I hope I got the name right).

If the reason for "large" canvass is do to long, relatively regions, you might consider a different strategy.  For example, 1st page could be global showing major regions.  Each region might be a separate page and the global page has hyperlinks to each region.  This might be repeated for each region to get better refinement.  Essentially, using hyperlinks to zoom in incrementally.  Each new page would show appropriate amount of detail for the particular zoom level.  Thus you convert this insanely large drawing into insanely large number of drawing pages.  Each page would be of manageable size from the standpoint of panning, zoomimg, and printing.  Bonus, these manageable pages are more easily distributed as not everyone may need (want) access to every rything.
Visio 2019 Pro


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