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HOW TO: Measure Area for Freeform Shapes??

Started by crosis, September 06, 2014, 12:39:02 AM

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I am new to Visio.  I've created two free form shapes and would like to connect a line between them so that in the end i can determine the area the entire free form shape consumes.  I've tried selecting the LINE tool and "extending the shape" of one free form item expecting the line to connect to the other free form shape but it does not. 

How do i connect two free form shapes so that i can create a closed shape to determine the area the shape consumes?



I did not understand how you want to calculate the area. Maybe you could send a sketch.

By the way Visio professional does have a perimeter and area tool.


Yacine, thanks so much for the reply.  The following is a photo of what i'm trying to do.  Look for the glowing ORANGE items.  They are two separate free form shapes.It represents a path for our property.  In the middle is our home.  I'm trying to determine the area contained from our property border outward to the edges where the free form runs (see the second photo which traces the area i'm interested in).  Everything within the blue area is what i want to determine the total area of.


And the area i'm interested in is this....


You will need to draw a closed path of the area to measure.
Now, if you have Visio professional then just run the tool, otherwise export it to inkscape there's a tool too to get the area of a shape.


I see.  The issue i'm having is trying to create that closed path with those 2 freeform objects already in place.  I've tried using the freeform tool and pencil and line, move my mouse to the edge until it says "extend shape".  I click and move toward the other shape but for whatever reason Visio Pro refuses to join the two areas.  Is there some additional step?


Basically, you have to create a shape that resembles the blue shape you've drawn.  See attached reference as it gives good info on uses of various drawing tools and how to close a path.

It's from V2002, but all the info still applies:

Visio 2019 Pro

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