Of CkBoxes, Layers, Background pages: making things hide

Started by wapperdude, October 05, 2024, 06:26:35 AM

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Inspired by another post, the attached file shows proof of concept.  The basic idea was a kiosk type functionality, a directory.  The idea was to look at an image, press a corresponding check box for more detailed information.  A new image would appear, along with new check boxes pertinent to the new image.  As an additional benefit, the presentation should be relatively immune to accidental user goofs.

The approach uses a fixed string of check boxes along the top edge, that correspond to various aspects of the main image.  These are located on the 1 and only drawing page.  Additional pages containing more detailed aspects are background pages.  Using background pages maintains isolation from the user.  It also avoids cluttering the drawing page with potentially, multiple, overlapping shapes.  When a detailed view is selected, both a new image (background pg) and a new set of check boxes along the right side of the drawing page appear.  These checkboxes are hidden using layers.  They get new formating appropriate to the presented image. 

The attached file is somewhat minimal, and is only intended to show the concept.
Visio 2019 Pro


Ooops.  Found a problem. The layer association with the right hand checkboxes breaks once some code is assigned and those boxes are actual checkboxes.  This makes hiding these somewhat problematical.  Haven't found a work-around. 
Visio 2019 Pro


@Wayne, yes there's a lot we can do with switching states, but that is IMHO not what matters when speaking about kiosks.
These kiosks - in my understanding - must be absolutely fool proof.
You basically put them a monkey enclosure in a zoo or even worse in a public walkway and hope that the users do only exactly what you expect them to do. Not all the other weird stuff.


Totally agree about public proofing.  Visio is a poor choice in that regards.  I think the effort to fool proof usually exceeds the primary effort and disproportionately distorts the effort.

Regarding the invisiblization (hiding) of checkboxes, I have not discovered any pleasant means.  The Visio object model has nothing.  I tried exploring OLEobjects (would those be bulls...never mind),  ActiveX objects...nothing.  There appears to be a macro that can do this for Excel, but it doesn't  seem to be adaptable to Visio.
Visio 2019 Pro


Yes those ActiveX controls in Visio drawings are not always robust.
Tried them a couple of times, but reverted back to using shapes and replicating their behavior.


Agree.  I did briefly think that DIY was the required direction.

Shame.  The checkbox function has a lot of potential, just not friendly, adequately conformable.
Visio 2019 Pro


Resolved the issue of hiding the checkboxes.  Turns out relatively easy and reliable method.  There are two steps:  1) shrink the size to zero, and 2) hide residual outline.

Shrinking may be done by setting width & height to zero.  Simple enough.  But, that means restoring the original size when it needs to be visible.  That is, Width =0, height =0 to be hidden, and Width*M, height*n to be visible.  Bit tedious. 

Easier shrinking can be accomplished.  Goto the Foreign Image Info section of the shapesheet.  Set the ImgWidth cell = width*0, ImgHeight cell = Height*0.  To restore, replace the "0" with a "1".  No need to find, store, recall the original width.  But...  This leaves a residual outline.

This outline can be eliminated via the Line Format section, setting the LineColorTrans cell = 100%  This is once and done.  When checkbox is 1st placed on the drawing page is a good time.

Attached is updated proof of concept file.

Visio 2019 Pro


I'll follow Paul and just upvote your post.
You know my opinion about this not being the "right" way.  ;)


@Yacine:  ;) Yep. Yep.  Don't disagree, either.  Just following thru wrt to hiding the ckboxes. Plus, I was bored.
Visio 2019 Pro

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