Shapesheet reference to Formula instead of Value

Started by TwoBeAss, January 30, 2024, 01:38:32 PM

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Is there a shapesheet formula to show the actual formula used in a cell instead of the calculated value...

For example, BeginX of a connector contains the formula =PAR(PNT(Sheet.28!Connections.X1,Sheet.28!Connections.Y1)) with a value of 22. I just want to extract the "Sheet.28" from the formula (with LEFT() and RIGHT() for example) to have shape data written in that shape, set to shape data in the connector with =Sheet.28!Prop.Row_1 for example...

I know this could be done with VBA, but I thought this must be possible with just Shapesheet formula too...

Thanks for your help,


Quote from: TwoBeAss on January 30, 2024, 01:38:32 PMI know this could be done with VBA, but I thought this must be possible with just Shapesheet formula too...
No way!
Quote from: David J Parker in article Getting the Name of Glued Connection PointsA Visio developer asked me if it is possible to get the name of connection points that a connector is glued to in Visio. Well, it is not possible directly from the ShapeSheet, but is easy if you use a little code.


Thanks for making that clear again :(
It its hard to believable that there is no FORMULATEXT() Function available...