Visio Guy

Visio Discussions => Programming & Code => Topic started by: on August 14, 2023, 03:13:01 PM

Title: Convert angled rectangle cutout into a shape with an angle
Post by: on August 14, 2023, 03:13:01 PM
I need to convert

1) an angled rectangle that was "cut out" of a shape (read: fragment operation) (image on the right below)
draw 2 rectangles (shape 1 and 2), apply an angle to shape 1 (copy it for later), place shape 1 over shape 2 (shape 2 should be big enough to encompass all of shape 1, select both, choose Developer > Shape Design > Operations > Fragment.


2) a "regular" shape that's been angled. (image on the left below)
paste shape 1 from above.

Side bar: are these 2 shapes different in the eyes of Visio? I feel like one's "normal" and the other is "special", but maybe that's just me.

Obviously the difference is the bounding box. 

Back to the question: how do I convert a rectangle cut out of another shape into something that's indistinguishable from a shape drawn using the "draw rectangle" tool.
Or maybe: how do I make a bounding box have the same vertices as it's shape.

I'll leave it to you all to pick which one is correct.

I've been looking for a solution for this for months.  Way too long.  I should have asked sooner.  Thanks!

Background if interested:

We have to visio-ize building floor plans that come to us as pdfs and/or pngs.  we do this using the ol' "cut big shape into smaller shapes" method:

The problem comes when the building has an angled wing.  While the cuts we make are orthogonal and thus result in rectangles, their the "special" kind, not the normal kind.  And for another part of our process which takes too long to explain, we need those shapes to be "normies" not "specials".
Title: Re: Convert angled rectangle cutout into a shape with an angle
Post by: wapperdude on August 14, 2023, 05:13:44 PM
The easiest way to convert to normie is to rotate your special shape to desired orientation, then do another fragment as you did before.  The new fragment will be a normie.