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How to edit Shapesheet for master shape (e.g. to set default LocPinX/Y)?

Started by altoandor, August 01, 2022, 03:52:52 PM

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New Visio user here and I think I must be missing something obvious.

I have created a new master shape. When I drop an instance of this shape into my document, I can edit the Shapesheet of that instance to change things like LocPinX/Y.

How do I edit the Shapesheet of the master shape itself, so that all instances I insert get the desired values as defaults?

When editing the master shape, I can open the Shapesheets for the sub-shapes within the master shape, but I can't find any top-level Shapesheet with LocPinX/Y cells.

(In the Master Explorer, I can right-click the master shape and choose "Show Shapesheet", but this opens a page Shapesheet that does not have LocPinX/Y).

What am I missing?



Quote from: altoandor on August 01, 2022, 03:52:52 PM(In the Master Explorer, I can right-click the master shape and choose "Show Shapesheet", but this opens a page Shapesheet that does not have LocPinX/Y).
In this case you opened ShapeSheet of page, because there is not selected shape!
Just press keys Ctrl+A. And after this step press Show ShapeSheet button.


if you run vision in developer mode, you can use right click for drop down ==> show shapesheet.
works for stencils and for drawings.

BTW, you can use the shapesheet ==> eventondrop cell to change things on drop on page
for example, you can change the values in pinx and piny when stencil master is dropped into a drswing

eventondrop = setf(getref(pinx), 100mm) + setf(getref(piny), 150mm)

since this places values into pinx and piny, you can still move shape around if you want....pinx, piny would be udate per
visio UI.


Quote from: Surrogate on August 01, 2022, 04:58:06 PM
Just press keys Ctrl+A. And after this step press Show ShapeSheet button.

When I do this, as shown in the attached screenshot, it seems to open the ShapeSheet for the most recently added sub-shape, which is the text box (Sheet.56) in this case.

If I change LocPinX/Y in this Sheet.56 ShapeSheet, it doesn't have any effect on the LocPinX/Y settings for an instance of the master shape.

Am I doing something wrong?

Quote from: vojo on August 02, 2022, 12:55:28 PM
BTW, you can use the shapesheet ==> eventondrop cell to change things on drop on page

This sounds useful, but as far as I can tell, I need to solve the above problem first to get to the top-level Shapesheet so that I can set this cell.


Quote from: altoandor on August 04, 2022, 03:34:27 PM
When I do this, as shown in the attached screenshot, it seems to open the ShapeSheet for the most recently added sub-shape, which is the text box (Sheet.56) in this case.
I was expecting a group named Sheet.5 inside the master-shape and there are 56 sub-shapes inside it!


So, if I group all the sub-shapes, as in the screenshot, then it works. The ShapeSheet for instances dropped into a document is based on the ShapeSheet for the group in the master shape.

I guess this is what I was missing. I didn't find any documentation or forum posts saying it was necessary to group all the sub-shapes within the master shape. (If there is documentation of this somewhere, please let me know. There's probably other useful info there I'm also missing!)


Quote from: altoandor on August 04, 2022, 05:45:25 PMI didn't find any documentation or forum posts saying it was necessary to group all the sub-shapes within the master shape. (If there is documentation of this somewhere, please let me know. There's probably other useful info there I'm also missing!)
I know about grouping before create master about 20 years.
This article very same Creating Your Own Shapes in Visio - University of Wyoming


The most comprehensive, unabridged Visio document, is this V2002 edition.  There are more features available in the current Visio object model, but this is a really nice, in depth, fundamental treatment of Visio.
Visio 2019 Pro


google "visio shapesheet cells" or "vision shapesheet functions"

hidden layer


I'm also sometimes struggling with functions and how they react on values.

Changing some value, see what happens, changing again (or things like this) can be somewhat frustrating.

Here: I added some "carthesian.vsdx" where  with one "move" you can change 2 values "directly" in the shapesheet (just to see what happens).

For me the "haptic" way is often more easy to "really" understand than some theoretical treatise.

Nevertheless wapperdude's recommendation is a very good one.

You can adapt this to other fields in shapesheet as well.

have fun

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