Show Document properties Dialogue

Started by chris0702, February 12, 2020, 08:54:43 AM

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Good Morning,

I'm looking for a possibility to show a dialogue of the properties of the document shapesheet section. I want to use this section to define document wide userdefined color selections etc. and am looking for a way to edit this section. The best solution would be without VBA or macros, for example by double clicking the page background. I tried DOCMD(1312) in the shapesheet of the page (in the Actions section) but I did not find a way to open the dialogue for the document instead of the page.
Let me know if someone has an idea how to solve this.




Maybe you will try to use a special shape-translator with the same properties as in the document?
And transfer the data from it to the document using SETATREF.
To call the dialog, you can use DoCmd (1312) in this shape.