Removing connectors from the connector layer

Started by Visisthebest, September 01, 2019, 12:04:56 AM

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To be able to hide groups of shapes and their connectors, I want to remove the connectors from the connector layer and put them with the shapes they connect on a new layer (so I can show/hide this part of the diagram, otherwise the connectors keep showing unless I hide all connectors on the page).

Are there any side-effects that can be resolved with some vba code, this question about potential adverse side-effects was also raised here ("Hope this doesn't have any flaws") but not answered:
Visio 2021 Professional

Paul Herber

No problem with that.
To transfer the connectors to a new layer:

  • Home -> Editing -> Select -> Select by Type
  • select Layer and Connector, then OK
  • then from the same ribbon area select Layers - Assign to Layer
  • select New then enter the new layer name and select OK
  • then on the layer list turn off the Connector layer
All the connectors will now be on your new layer.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Thank you Paul good to know, I was afraid Visio is using the connector layer itself and removing connectors from it could lead to errors.

Ideally Visio 2021 ;) will support the possibility to AND the visibility setting (if shape is on layer X and Y, only show it when both layers X AND Y are visible.
Visio 2021 Professional