Shapes behaving badly

Started by John Distai, April 14, 2009, 03:04:15 PM

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John Distai

Hi.  I have a shape that is behaving badly that I could use some help with.  I created a stencil which contains a master shape that has some data fields associated with it.  When I drag the shape into my desired document and try to enter data into the predefined fields, I get the "No shape data exists" dialog.  Also, when the shape is dropped, the text for the data fields disappears.

If I drag this master shape onto other documents, it works fine.  Any idea why the shape is behaving badly?


Paul Herber

Look at the document stencil, menu File -> Shapes -> Document Stencil
Is there already a shape with the same master name? Try editing it and see if the fields are defined.

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