Easier way to pan than crtl-shift right click?

Started by zipwill, February 09, 2019, 02:43:45 PM

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I find myself panning around drawings early and often.  Seems like a cumbersome approach to something that should be task at the top of priorities.   I do technical drawings so zoom in a great deal and just would like an easier/faster way to man around.

Is there a mouse that has software that can be programmed for this - like a 3rd button?  Any input appreciated.

Paul Herber

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -



That will allow you to zoom in pan up, down, left and right?

Maybe I have a setting wrong - it only allows me to zoom.

Thanks for your response.

Paul Herber

Mouse wheel to pan up/down.
Shift + mouse wheel to pan left/right.
Control + mouse wheel to zoom in/out.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -




I do this with a few lines of AutoHotkey:

; Modify Middle Click in Visio for dragging drawing paper (middle click, hold and drag)
; ...and for quickly deleting things  (middle click)

#IfWinActive, ahk_class VISIOA
  KeyWait, MButton, T0.1  ; wait to see if the middle mouse button is held
  if ErrorLevel ; activate grabbing hand
Send {lctrl down}{lshift down}{RButton down}
Keywait, MButton ; no timeout this time, wait for middle button release
Send {RButton up}{lshift up}{lctrl up}
  else ; select things and delete them with one middle click
Mouseclick, Left
Send, {Delete}

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