Connection points along lines

Started by lrafail, April 07, 2009, 03:14:15 PM

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I am working with the standard UML stencils that come with Visio 2003, specifically with the Object Lifeline in the UML Sequence Diagram stencil. The object lifeline has a line with connectors evenly spaced along the line and when the line is extended, new connectors appear automatically. Is it possible to change the amount of space within these automatically created connectors? And I do not mean manually modifying each one by using the connection point tool, but change this spacing so that when the line is extended the points are created at the new distance.


Paul Herber

If you select the lifeline shape, then menu Window -> Shape Shapesheet and scroll down to the Connection Points section you will see all the formulae used to create the connection points. Unfortunately all the formulae have hard-coded numbers like
=IF(Controls.Row_1.Y<-0.5 in,-0.5 in,Controls.Row_1.Y)
You could edit the numbers manually or it might be possible to write a macro to change the numbers. You could then duplicate or copy and paste your modified shape in the future.

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -