Language issue

Started by DGR2017, February 22, 2019, 05:06:36 AM

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I have developed a visio addin in English. But am having language issues i.e get exception error when this addin is run on a French Visio 2016. The addin uses stencils and user defined cells. Please advise what I should be doing to resolve this. Thank you in advance.


 as I know in French locale used another delimiters!

Paul Herber

If you are reading/writing to cells then, as Surrogate said, ensure you use the U version of cells and formula.
Example: there is a cell.Formula and a cell.FormulaU, the first takes a local expression in local units and the U version takes Universal units (but this doesn't mean millimeters or inches).
If you want to write, say "2.5 mm" to a cell then you would write that to the .FormulaU cell. In the French version it would expect the value to be written in French style i.e. "2,5 mm".
Confusing? Yes, but I hope it makes sense.

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