Customizing the current date format using the "insert field" function

Started by kirakira7, July 05, 2018, 02:51:33 PM

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I am trying to customize the format of the current date on a visio file using the Insert Field --> "Current Date/Time" function.

I want it to use the format {{MMMM d, yyyy}} if the month is 4 characters or less.
If the month has more than 4 characters, I want to use the format {{MMM. d, yyyy}}

so it would look like this:
July 5, 2018
May 5, 2018
Dec. 30, 2018
Feb. 12, 2018
and so on.

Is this possible?

Thank you!


Yes, you can use formula in ShapeSheet like as
=IF(LEN("{{MMMM}}")<4,"{{MMMM, d, yyyy}}","{{MMM., d, yyyy}}")