Macro assigned to Ribbon

Started by qholmes, May 18, 2017, 07:17:31 PM

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This should be easy. I just want to record a few little macros to get out of having to go into menus to set things. But I cant seem to get a macro assigned to a button?
I googled and looked in the forum but it seemed that I always found something more complicated than I needed.

I don't really want it stored in a drawing or Stencil.. just in the UI of Visio?

Is this possible?

When I go to customize the Ribbon it does not show me the Macros I have recorded like I have read it should.





Yes.. I already looked at that one. hehe..

I cant believe I cant just add a macro to a button in the ribbon like you used to be able to do in different packages.. its crazy. Why should I have to program a button to use a macro. Macros are for the just above standard users.. not for hard core programmers.. its crazy..

I will use the keyboard short cuts I guess for now.

So.. in order to use them in different drawings I will have to save them to a Stencil I assume.





Thanks, I will give that a try.