Shape formed for two paralell, editable NURBS lines?

Started by Gustavo, March 30, 2017, 08:28:28 PM

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Hi all, I want to make a mastershape formed for two editable, paralel nurbs lines. I want to make it with two shapes nested in a mastershape, because I want the nurbs lines of different color, and different widht, but I could accept a single shape with 2 geometries. At the moment, I tried to reference the geometry of line 2 (shape 2) with reference for line 1, p.ex Geometry1.Y1=Sheet.2!Geometry1Y1 and so on, but it doesn't work with the "E" cell of the NURBSTo column, since it got a NURBS function.

I want to use User cells to storage the shape 1 NURBS data, but I don't know how to extract the data of the NURBS function in shape 1, to pass it on to the NURBS function in shape 2. Both will have a fixed xy points and knots.

Any advice would be appreciate it, a lot.



You can try this.  Assume sheet.1 is your nurbs shape.  Duplicate it to make your parallel shape.  S/B sheet.2.

Open sheet.1 shapesheet, and add User Defined section.  Enter following into User.Row_1 value cell:  =SETF(GetRef(Sheet.2!Geometry1.E2),Geometry1.E2)  This should make the 2nd line mimic the first.  Caution, row types must match!

If you want, you can group the two shapes after the above change.

Visio 2019 Pro


Thank you Wapper! That worked exactly like I wanted.
Best regards!


You guys realize this only works if the shapes are identical to begin with, right.

Otherwise, need LOCTOLOC to do this to maintain reference points on dissimilar shapes
(2 different sized nurbs, squares, etc)

BTW, if you throw in some DEPENDSON you may be able to go either way
I have not tried it....but changes to 2 updates 1....changes to 1 updates 2.

Lastly, if you want fill in between nurbs, then 1 shape 1 geometry
- 1 to N rows for 1st nurb
-N+1 to M rows for 2nd nurb
- 2nd nurb includes an offset from first nurb  (moveto 0,0   and moveto 0+15mm,0+15mm)