Events not triggering

Started by qholmes, August 23, 2016, 06:54:46 PM

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I am using Visio 2010. I am trying my hand at creating smart shapes using the Shapesheet.. having some good luck. But the next thing I would like to try and do is force the width of my object to be in increments of 50.

I thought that I could use the EventXFMod cell and have something about Width=int(width/50)*50.. but it does not work.

So I tried some basic things in that cell and nothing seems to trigger at all.. and I also tried the double click event and nothing.

What  am I doing wrong?






I do believe that will work.. I did not realize that Scratch formulas run all the time.. It might be a waste of resources?
And it does not explain why I could not get the Events to fire.. Which might be important in the future. Or maybe my formulas were too simple and breaking rules?




So for creating my Track shape that I can both select lengths from a list and drag out in 50mm increments with nothing less than 800mm I use this formula in a Scratch Row. It works great actually.. Yea..

=SETF(GetRef(Width),MAX(INT(Width/50)*50,800 mm))

But.. I just noticed that if the Page is set to Meters instead of Millimeters it just jumps to 800mm.. Hmm I just realized that it must be reading the length in Meters which throws the calculations off..  Ok... hehe just solved this but will finish this post incase it helps someone else. I changed my formula to include mm for the 50s so it looks like this. And now it works.

=SETF(GetRef(Width),MAX(INT(Width/50 mm)*50 mm,800 mm))
