Create Custom Explorer Window

Started by metuemre, August 23, 2016, 07:32:23 AM

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In visio supplied templates, there are some special explorer windows. For example, in Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Template there is a component explorer window which lists the shapes in categories based on the User.ShapeClass value, or in Space Plan template there is a category explorer window that lists the shapes on each page based on User.visFmName value.

What I want to do is to make a custom explorer window that will list the shapes for each foreground page based on "User.AssignedTag" value if this row exists in the shape.

If it is possible, can you please help me how to do it. I think an add-in is needed for this kind of task. A sample would be enough for me to work on it.

I'm about to finalize my "Functional Control Diagram" template and this is the last part of the puzzle.

You can see my template in action on the following video.

Thanks in advance.


Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Thanks JuneTheSecond, this is exactly what I was looking for  :)

Add-in solution looks elegant visually. On the other hand vba version looks simple to modify.

Can you please tell me how can i install the add-in version of the shape explorer in visio 2013 x86 ?


Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Thanks again JuneTheSecond. I modified your VBA code and it worked like a charm.