recognize text to intentionaly add a separator

Started by novski, January 04, 2016, 10:49:15 AM

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I wold like to add the text of a prop.value cell to another text cell.
But also add a separator like that "/" between the two combined texts if the prop.value cell is not empty.
So my question is, if it is possible to recognize if any character is typed to the prop.value cell.
Regards, Novski


are you trying to do this with VBA or in the shapesheet?
Al Edlund


Thanks for that question. I do not use VBA related upon a company restriction in use of  Macro's in Office Products.
So only solution for me is Shapesheet.
Regards, Novski


I found a way to recognize text.

Try LEN() function.

Like: IF(LEN(TEXTCELL)<1,Do if Cell is empty,Do if Cell is not Empty)

Regards, Novski