Shape Data, Shapesheet, Text & IF formula

Started by damswil, April 26, 2016, 03:51:50 PM

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I am trying to have the text of a shape (Shape 1) say "Yes" if the Shape Data (prop 1) of Shape 2 is "PRESENT". I made the text of Shape 1 a field and used the formula =IF(Shape2!prop.row_1 = "PRESENT", "YES", "NO"). The problem I am coming up with is that whatever text is typed in the data of Shape 2, Shape 1 always returns "YES" unless I throw a number in there.

Any thoughts on this?


try use strsame function
IF(strsame(Shape2!prop.row_1 ,"PRESENT"), "YES", "NO")


AH! Yes that worked perfectly thank you. I knew it was something ridiculous like that, just some function I was unaware existed.