Fitting all employees on 1 sheet within Org Chart and updating-- with Wizard

Started by rodgers, March 21, 2016, 03:42:27 PM

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So, I was just introduced to Visio about 2 wks ago, and I thought I was doing really well. However I am trying to re-create an org chart for my company and I can't seem to get all of the employees to fit onto 1 page. Maybe it's not possible, which is fine, I did use the Wizard as well, although I'm sure I could use help with that as well. So, I need to know if more people can be added to this chart and have it still fit on one page and still look great?

This is something that I am assigned to do on a regular basis, maybe every few months or so, and to think that the only way for me to update this chart by starting from the beginning is mind blowing. It takes way too much time, especially without any prior instructions on how it was created originally. Just starting from scratch is not going to work. Is the wizard the only way to update constantly without creating a chart from scratch?

I tried to add the attachment but it says it's too big.


I see there people looking at this post. Is there anyone that can help me? Or guide me to another website/chat forum where someone can help?

The biggest question is---is there a standard maximum amount of people that can fit on the first page of an Org Chart and it still look presentable? If yes, what is that number and what do I have to do to make that happen? Make the boxes smaller, less info, etc? Please Help :)


A couple questions.
1. What year Visio are you using?
2. Have you data linked your org chart to an external source like excel or access?



I'm using Visio 2010 and I data linked my org chart to Excel. I'm still learning Visio, and there's a lot to learn, lol. I'm not sure that I like the look of the org chart with using the Wizard, it seemed like it was unnecessary for the small amount of people we have at the company. But I do like the idea if just entering the updated info in Excel and then it transfers onto to chart. That's useful.