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Connector for Wiring Diagrams

Started by ThirdDimension, October 17, 2015, 11:04:22 PM

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I would like to incorporate a couple Right Click Options (RCO) on the "box" that I made.  I would like a RCO for solid line or dashed line, and right or left hand orientation.  RudySchneider did an awesome job on his connector (attached).


3rd D

Thomas Winkel


Quotesolid line or dashed line
1. Assign Data to the group: "Line Style", Fixed List, Format: "solid;dashed", Value: "solid"
2. open the ShapeSheet of the rectangle
3. LinePattern: "=IF(STRSAME(Sheet.1000!Prop.LineStyle,"solid"),1,16)"
4. Add the proper action to the group

Quoteright or left hand orientation
For usability reasons I would design the shape in such a way that this works with "Ctrl+h" as it is Visio standard.
You can do this in the ShapeSheet.



Thanks Thomas,

I am not sure how to lock alignment during the execution of CTL H.  I would like certain text box to switch between RH / LH justification during CTL H.

any suggestions?  I cannot find anything on the web.

I will take on the line change next.  I actually have 5 different line types that I would like to swap between.


Thomas Winkel


have a look at the shapesheet of the text box.
In the section "Paragraph" you will find the attribute "HAlign".
Here you can enter a formula like this: "=if(Sheet.57!FlipX,2,0)"
Where "Sheet.57" is the group.

In general you should get familiar with the shapesheet, it is one of the most powerful Visio features.



Hi Everyone,

thank you all for your help.  I have a few things working now, such as the formatting with CTL H and changing my line from solid to dashed on page drop

I am having trouble with other things and I am requesting your help.

I have created 4 different wire patterns; 100,200,300,400, respectively which represent different wire types.  These appear as options under shape format "DASH TYPE", and change according to selection.  I have a shape called WIRE created and placed in my Stencil.

However, I am having trouble writing a code that allows me to select between my wire types (upon page drop from stencil) ?  Does anyone have any suggestions?


Thanks Thomas for helping me on the XFLIP coding and the CTL H tip.  With some trial and error, I was able to make things work!!! 

3rd D

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