Autorun Custom Report On Shape Selection

Started by kmetzgo, December 03, 2014, 05:15:39 PM

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I've created a custom report with the option of showing data on "Shapes that are selected".  I've run the report and saved it as a visio shape with a link to the report definition.  The report "shape" is embedded in my drawing and I would now like to be able to select shapes and have the embedded report run automatically, updating the report based on my dynamic selection.  I thought I might be able to do this with a macro but can't quite get it working.  Any suggestions?

Some additional information - You can manually rerun the embedded report shape by right-clicking and selecting the action Run Report.  I copied the action code which looks like this   RUNADDONWARGS("VisRpt","/rptDefName=ReportDefinition_1 /rptOutput=EXCEL_SHAPE /rptActionRun=") and added a similar Action section to one of the shapes on my drawing page (not the embedded report shape).  When I try to run the report directly off of the shape I get an "Error connecting to the Microsoft Excel share".


Hi on the vsd I uploaded on october 24th in the topic below, I have a routine triggered when the selection changes.
With this routine you can start the report update as well.