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Add a scrollbar to a shape after a certain criteria is met?

Started by soregums, October 16, 2014, 08:35:12 AM

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I've seen smart shapes that you can click a "button" that is part of that shape and another shape gets put in a predefined place.

I want to do this for a "document history" type table.
currently it is done in Word and simply embeded, this works great as anyone is capable of updating - where is sucks is in the ensuring people keep the formatting consistent and the embed moves around (though I might be able to lock that down via the shapesheet...)

So looking at the attached png or this imgur link

Is this possible without VBA?
I'm hoping to create this diagram template with zero VBA.
So far I'm doing OK :)


An actual scroll bar implementation is not possible without VBA

now you could do a crude version of this props and user cells.
It would be tedious and complex....but it is possible (done it before myself before I concluded too cumbersome)

Below is one such implementation....right click the blade, pick what you want to show


Impossible is not possible! ;)
Here's how it can be done solely with shapesheet functions.


Ehh... right!


Quote from: Yacine on October 16, 2014, 11:15:52 PM
Ehh... right!
Maybe 2010 works differently?

The "scrollbar" doesn't seem to scroll for me - only way to see all is to make the height larger


Noticed the two action items.

I think perhaps a "reflow" process (to update prop.rows and fill in the gaps) and "item > delete" action are required to round this out completely.
Then the scroll option should have all the info it needs to get going.

I like your idea Yacine - gives me an insight into how this might be possible, thanks


Hi Soregums,
it's the yellow dot that needs to be dragged, not the rectangle itself.


Quote from: Yacine on October 17, 2014, 07:32:27 AM
Hi Soregums,
it's the yellow dot that needs to be dragged, not the rectangle itself.

Oh, I see, that's pretty cool, thx :)


Hi Soregum,
I thought about a lighter solution, which implies only text being cut out of the original text.
The original text is hidden, but can be edited by hitting F2.
The text displayed is in a subshape. The section to cut out is defined by the position of the control slider (yellow dot) and a length of characters given by a custom property.
The formulas are not right yet, but the whole thing gives an idea on how this could work.
The advantage is the easier editing and that you can add and remove lines. (More difficult in the previous solution).


i'm going to go for the "double click to prompt for shape data info" as there are 6 columns of data per row.
also inserting rows at the top and pushing everything down.
the fixed height is great and we don't really need to see the old stuff - it is there because it shouldn't be deleted.
adding in the action "delete row" should enable everything to work out properly :)


Hi Soregum,
Of course I do this for fun, still I am alway disapointed when people don't download my uploads.
My second solution is interesting too, as it facilitates the editing of the entries. Please check.


Pretty cool...nice idea

BTW...if you go down that track, mind as well punt the control point and make the rect pinx guarded and rect piny free and let
the user just move the rectangle itself.   Then have the sheet.3 look at the rect piny to determine how far down the rect is.
round it to entry size, then use that to set all the entry locations.


My very first approvement from Vojo! Worth pinning it in the calendar. Thank you. I value it.


Quote from: Yacine on October 17, 2014, 05:20:40 PM
Hi Soregum,
Of course I do this for fun, still I am alway disapointed when people don't download my uploads.
My second solution is interesting too, as it facilitates the editing of the entries. Please check.
To be honest i didn't even see the attachment, i read your post then was like, "hmm how come there is no attachment, maybe he is going to post it next" - then i read this msg and scroll back up and it is there, not sure what I was smoking last night before going to bed...

This has been of great help and i'm going to use it as a reference to put together what i need, will post during the week with what i came up with.

Cheers Yacine ;)

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