Always open userform on the same monitor as the active Visio window

Started by daihashi, September 11, 2014, 05:15:13 AM

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I just thought I'd share. I finally got fed up with the userform opening up on the wrong monitor. Originally I tried a much simpler method involving GetRect, and while it worked for the most part.. it still left quite a bit to be desired for me. So I put this together instead (see the file attachment).

If it doesn't work properly for you; such as the userform opens up on the wrong monitor when you first open it, then go to the developer tab and click on properties... and then close the properties window. After this it will work; although i have no idea why it's doing this... it works perfectly fine in my other documents, but not a newly created document like the one attached here.

Other than that it works really well.


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