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Street shapes for drawing maps

Started by David.P, August 31, 2014, 03:07:14 PM

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Hi forum,

I was wondering whether there is a street shape collection for easily drawing maps?

The ones I found included in Visio

...don't seem to work properly (only show up as solid black lines).

Thanks for any hints,
Regards David.P
Visio 2003 for production
Visio 2019

Paul Herber

I think that's all they are supposed to be. The icon image is a bit overblown.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Thank you Paul. Pity that there seems nothing better available. I suppose it is quite hard to code street shapes that snap nicely, can be bent freely AND make pretty intersections.

The latter seems the most difficult (for me):
Visio 2003 for production
Visio 2019


Have you tried the roads in "Transportation Shapes (*).vss". They look smarter than the road shapes.
You may need to adjust their appearance however.


Thanks Yacine, yes they look smarter!

Unfortunately though, it seems that there is not roundabout available.

Anyway, I actually might try this approach instead:

Cheers David.P
Visio 2003 for production
Visio 2019


It depends on what your intention is. I would personally stick with Visio.
By the way there's a roundabout in the roads stencil. Taking the best out of both stencils should be feasable.


Yes, I'd draw with Visio, however possibly using the same approach described over there.
Visio 2003 for production
Visio 2019


Sure, this was also my first idea, but it is tedious.
Could you send a sample image of what you want to draw?


Never mind Yacine -- I just found out that you can download SVG vector maps at, and then fully edit everything for example in Visio:

So I guess I will never have to draw a map from scratch again in my life :D

BTW, Openstreetmap draw their maps with the same approach as discussed above.

Cheers David.P
Visio 2003 for production
Visio 2019

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