Microsoft integration between MS/Access Form using VisOcx and Visio

Started by toledano, July 30, 2014, 06:52:16 AM

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 :o I dont understand...

I have a MS/Access database containing information about properties with fullpath of Visio drawings (one or more pages).

I want display and later modify drawings i regards of database updates.

At this point I can open Visio file using :
   1) VBA reference to Visio.Application and Vision.Documents.Open ...
   2) MS/Access Form VisOcx.DrawingControl.1 with variable Draw as Object and Set Draw = VisDraw.object thus Draw.Window.Application.Documents.Open ...

With Solution (1), the opened document is well opened in Visio window (I can use Visio.InvisibleApp to hide it) but I dont know how to set my VisOcx to this document.

With Solution (2), the document is opened (cant open with Visio directly - File in use), but not displayed on VisOcx.

I think is a complex OLE communication between Visio application and form control in MS/Access Form. If I must use independant OLE and use VBA parameters, I dont know to do that.

I read many solutions on the net but none works! Please send solution with MSACCESS sample database & Visio doc with a right solution. Dont send any comments like... You must read MS article or something like that... I've read all.

Thanks to all to help me :D

Sincerely, Patrick


 :-X I'm a stupid guy !!!

Solution 1 + DRAW.src = fullpathname

You must redraw ocx each times you modify source... OCX is a reader only